Second ICACME 2023 (Online)
International Conference on Advances and Creations in Mechanical Engineering 2022 (ICACME 2022) is hosted by Department of Mechanical Engineering, Pravara Rural Engineering College, Loni, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India (affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune) and organized by Technology Research and Innovation Centre, India on 26-28 December 2023. ICACME 2023 is providing a platform for various worldwide researchers, scientists and academicians working in the field of mechanical engineering. We aim to receive only original high quality research papers for this conference.
Know more ...Second ICACE 2023 (Online)
Second International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering 2023 (ICACE 2023) is hosted by Department of Civil Engineering, SNJB's Late Sau K B Jain- College of Engineering, Chandwad, Nashik, India (affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune) and organized by Technology Research and Innovation Centre, India in association with Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology (A), Hyderabad, India on 26-28 December 2023. ICACE 2023 is providing a platform for various worldwide researchers, scientists and academicians working in the field of civil engineering. We aim to receive only original high quality research papers for this conference.
Know more ...Fourth ICAMS 2024 (Upcoming)
Fourth International Conference on Advances in Materials Science 2024 (ICAMS 2024) is organized by Technology Research and Innovation Centre, India in association with Dr. Vithalrao Vikhe Patil College of Engineering, Ahmednagar, India | Academy of Nanotechnology and Waste Water Innovations, Johannesburg, South Africa | College of Engineerin, Covenant University, Ota, Nigeria 23-24 February 2024. ICAMS 2024 is providing a platform for worldwide researchers, scientists and academicians working in the field of Material Science. We aim to receive only original high quality research papers for this conference.
Know more ...Third ICAMS 2023 (Past)
Third International Conference on Advances in Materials Science 2023 (ICAMS 2023) is organized by Technology Research and Innovation Centre, India in association with Dr. Vithalrao Vikhe Patil College of Engineering, Ahmednagar, India | Academy of Nanotechnology and Waste Water Innovations, Johannesburg, South Africa | College of Engineerin, Covenant University, Ota, Nigeria 23-24 February 2023. ICAMS 2023 is providing a platform for worldwide researchers, scientists and academicians working in the field of Material Science. We aim to receive only original high quality research papers for this conference.
Know more ...ICACME 2022 (Past)
International Conference on Advances and Creations in Mechanical Engineering 2022 (ICACME 2022) is hosted by Department of Mechanical Engineering, Pravara Rural Engineering College, Loni, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India (affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune) and organized by Technology Research and Innovation Centre, India in association with Mechanical Engineering Department, Sant Gajanan Maharaj College of Engineering, Mahagaon, Maharashtra, India (affiliated to Shivaji University, Kolhapur) and Mechanical Engineering Department, Accra Technical University, Ghana on 20-22 December 2022. ICACME 2022 is providing a platform for various worldwide researchers, scientists and academicians working in the field of mechanical engineering. We aim to receive only original high quality research papers for this conference.
Know more ...ICACE 2022 (Past)
International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering 2022 (ICACE 2022) is hosted by Department of Civil Engineering, SNJB's Late Sau K B Jain- College of Engineering, Chandwad, Nashik, India (affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune) and organized by Technology Research and Innovation Centre, India in association with Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology (A), Hyderabad, India | Civil Engineering Department, Sant Gajanan Maharaj College of Engineering, Mahagaon, Maharashtra, India (affiliated to Shivaji University, Kolhapur) and Civil Engineering Department, Accra Technical University, Ghana on 20-22 December 2022. ICACE 2022 is providing a platform for various worldwide researchers, scientists and academicians working in the field of civil engineering. We aim to receive only original high quality research papers for this conference.
Know more ...ICAFEV 2021 (Past)
International Conference on Alternative Fuels and Electric Vehicles (ICAFEV) 2021 is organized by TRIC India and hosted by the Alard College of Engineering and Management, Pune, India in assoication with Accra Technical University, Accra, Ghana on 09 - 10 December 2021. This international event will provide a platform for various worldwide researchers, scientists and academicians engaged in the field of Alternative Fuels and Electric Vehicles and driving the World towards a sustainable future. ICAFEV 2021 aims to receive full research and review papers for this conference.
STAIR Progressive Forum, India is happy to announce the first edition of Science and Technology Academic, Innovation and Research Awards (STAIR Awards) 2021. The objective of STAIR Awards is to recognize the outstanding academic heroes who are continuously engaged to build the future of the sustainable world through imparting knowledge and excellence to the future generations. STAIR Award Event is scheduled on 25 November 2021 in virtual mode.
ICAMS 2021 (Past)
Second International Conference on Advances in Material Science (ICAMS) 2021 is organized by Technology Research and Innovation Centre, India in association with Dr. Vithalrao Vikhe Patil College of Engineering, Ahmednagar, India, IEEE Nanotechnology Council Chapter, South Africa and College of Engineering, Covenant University, Ota on 16-17 November, 2021. ICAMS 2021 is providing a platform for various worldwide researchers, scientists and academicians working in the field of Material Science. We aim to receive only original high quality research papers for this conference.
ICAMS 2020 (Past)
International Conference on Advances in Material Science (ICAMS) 2020 is organized by Technology Research and Innovation Centre, India in association with Dr. Vithalrao Vikhe Patil College of Engineering, Ahmednagar, India and IEEE Nanotechnology Council Chapter, South Africa on October 03, 2020. ICAMS 2020 is providing a platform for various worldwide researchers, scientists and academicians working in the field of Material Science. We aim to receive only original high quality research papers for this conference.